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Here is a quick and easy salad dressing recipe from Mike Anderson's in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This is their house salad dressing, but it seems to me you could use this on a lot more things than just salad. I'm picturing some barbeque chicken kabobs drizzle'd with this sauce (with maybe a few herbs mixed in), or maybe even use it as a dipping sauce for bread.....mmmmm.

I found this recipe over at Christina's, where she is talking about her most recent culinary travels into Louisiana. If you want some great Cajun food links, you should go check her out!

Sensation Salad Dressing

1/2 lb. finely chopped Romano cheese
1 pint salad oil
Juice of two Meyer lemons
Juce of three cloves of garlic (mashed)

Shake all ingredients in a quart jar. This keeps a long time in the refrigerator. Season some salad greens with salt and pepper, then toss with desired amount of dressing. Especially good with chopped lettuce.

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